Postdoc Involvement in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

MIT Programs and Resources

MIT has programs that foster innovation, including those listed below. 

  • Office of Innovation: Resources from the Office of Innovation allow postdocs to explore MIT's innovation infrastructure. 
  • StartMIT: A two-and-a-half week course in January in which innovators from across the U.S. teach participants the ins and outs of entrepreneurship. Information sessions are held in the fall, with a mid-November registration deadline.
  • MIT Venture Mentoring Service: A free and confidential educational service  to help prospective entrepreneurs learn how to begin and sustain a future business.
  • InnovationHQ: Collaborative space for innovators at MIT.
  • Technology Licensing Office: Provides guidance for entrepreneurs and start-ups.
  • I-Corps: Innovation training and grants, supported by the National Science Foundation.

Entrepreneurship and Postdoc Responsibilities

Sponsored funding terms, fellowship terms, and visa requirements may affect your pursuit of entrepreneurship as a postdoc. On-campus activities with minimal time requirements may not pose problems, while commitments outside MIT and/or more extensive arrangements require careful evaluation and planning. 

Approvals and Managing Conflicts of Interest or Commitment

If you identify an opportunity you would like to pursue, first discuss it with your department’s HR representative and with your PI. Additionally, postdocs with visas will need to consult the International Scholars Office before accepting an opportunity.

Keeping in mind that postdocs may not do consulting work (see MIT Policies and Procedures 5.3.2 and 5.3.3), reduction in effort on a postdoc’s primary project is one option to investigate.

  • Postdoctoral associates who are paid entirely from their supervisors’ sponsored research funds devote full-time effort to their research activities unless adjustments are made to their effort and appropriate approvals are in place.
  • Postdoctoral fellows: Fellowship terms and supervisor approval will determine changes that can be made in the postdoc’s appointment.

Postdocs must also adhere to MIT's reporting and conflict of interest [Touchstone required] requirements. 

Updated August 16, 2024